Sarah Clemons

On most mornings, Sarah Clemons can be found hard at work in the kitchen at the Wendy’s on N. Division in Spokane. Since 2023, she helps kitchen staff prepare meals, such as salads, and helps with other tasks as they come up. She also enjoys getting to talk with her coworkers and customers as they come in.

“My favorite part is they have me cut lettuce and make the meals,” she says. “Sometimes they have me wipe down tables and chairs.”

With support from The Arc of Spokane’s individual supported employment program, Clemons is able to work and earn money for herself. Her employment specialist, Justin Rahming, helps assist her with learning new skills on the job, filling out paperwork, and other job-related things. He also helps instill confidence in his clients and their employers that they are capable of doing the job.

“It is important because so much of our life revolves around work and having a job in a workplace. Adults with disabilities are too often not given the information or skills to interact within a workplace setting, which is unlike any other social setting. Supported employment exists to give people what they need to integrate and succeed in a necessary part of life,” Rahming says.

Prior to working at Wendy’s, Clemon’s previous job didn’t suit her and left her feeling unfulfilled. Now, she has greater independence and is able to manage her schedule more. “I like over here better. This job isn’t that hard, it’s easy to do.”

Once payday rolls around, Clemons enjoys getting to go shopping and purchase items she needs with her own money. A recent purchase: two jackets, one red and one blue, to replace an old, falling apart one.