Community Connection

At The Arc of Spokane, we are looking to build connections with our communities in Spokane, Stevens, Ferry, and Pend Oreille counties (and beyond!). When you sign up to be a member of The Arc of Spokane, you are saying “Count me in - I’m an advocate for disability rights!”

Your membership enables The Arc to:

  • Promote the self-sufficiency, independence, and inclusion of children and adults with IDD in education, employment, and community living.

  • Elevates the chorus of voices we represent on a local, state, and federal level as we advocate for progressive legislation.

  • Support self-advocacy through education and technical assistance.

  • Assist those living in community settings to do so more independently.

For you, membership means:

  • You are part of a community that elevates the voice of people with IDD, ensures they receive the services they need, and promotes inclusion.

  • You become subscribed to Community Connection, an e-newsletter that provides information about community resources, announcements, legislation, and more.

  • You are included in vital communications from The Arc of Washington and The Arc of the US regarding issues facing people with IDD.

Membership matters because it makes clear to our elected officials and community partners that we are advocating on behalf of an extended community of family members, self-advocates, and supporters of disability rights in eastern Washington and beyond.